Help us to keep the legends alive!
It could be your dad, your uncle, your grandpa, your mate. Hey, some of us are legends ourselves - or at least we think we are!
However, too many legends are diagnosed with and taken too soon by conditions like prostate cancer, depression, cardiovascular disease and melanoma.
Let's help to keep the legends in our lives around longer to tell jokes, spin yarns, go fishing, or help the local footy team make the grand final.
Be legendary yourself and donate NOW to support men's health causes or create a fundraiser and together we can keep the legends alive!
Men are over represented in a number of key health areas
It's time for action
Your support means we can continue our investment into research and patient care initiatives to ensure conditions that are impacting men the most, like prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, melanoma and depression.
The funds will be used for:
💙 research projects to get a better understanding of of diseases and conditions which disproportionately impact men to find new ways to personalise treatment for individual patients
💙 patient support initiatives that support patients during their hospital stay and while at home and help to improve their outcomes
Thank you for being legendary and showing the legends on our lives how much we value them.

Our Mandate Living Legends Community